How it all started...
The fellowship was started by Pastor Marshall Boyer back in 2003. Pastor Marshall would drive from his home in Silver City, NM, to give God's word to those that showed up. Starting as a bible study, the church met in a rented room of the Local Learning Center. From this Calvary Chapel Deming moved to a closed donut shop and was growing steadily. One of the most exciting moves was when we rented the Andreas Silva Conference center on Main Street. Growth from the Lord was amazing - including in both Youth Group and Children's Ministry. By God's lead, we purchased a building where we are now - 520 South 11th Street in Deming, NM. God blessed this step by allowing us to finish paying off the building during the COVID pandemic. Pastor Marshall retired in 2016 and moved to Texas where he attends Calvary Chapel Fort Worth. His senior pastor is Bill Quinn. Pastor Marshall leads a home bible study, is active in marriage ministry, prayer ministry and occasionally fills in for the senior pastor.
Our current pastor moved to Deming in December of 2007 from Belen, NM, where he served at Calvary Chapel Rio Grande Valley. He was ordained shortly after getting here and served as both assistant pastor and youth pastor. Pastor Xavier (or Pastor X as he is known to many in the congregation) became the senior pastor in 2016 and is still leading the church as God grants him vision.
Our current pastor moved to Deming in December of 2007 from Belen, NM, where he served at Calvary Chapel Rio Grande Valley. He was ordained shortly after getting here and served as both assistant pastor and youth pastor. Pastor Xavier (or Pastor X as he is known to many in the congregation) became the senior pastor in 2016 and is still leading the church as God grants him vision.

Pastor Xavier Silva
Pastor and Mrs. Marshall Boyer

Expanding the vision...
Matthew 11: 28-30 NKJV Come unto me, all you who labored are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentile and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is Light
Where we are headed...
Our Desire is to lead people to the truth of the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. Jesus has love for us no matter what our past. Our future is held with Jesus and His forgiveness and restoration. Join us and let us worship, and serve Jesus Christ together.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am
and Wednesdays for the Apologetics Class at 5:30 pm.
and Wednesdays for the Apologetics Class at 5:30 pm.